
In a reality where roaches are the dominant species, a middle-aged Ron must find a job to avoid being kicked out from his mom’s house. Most episodes focus on a new work adventure that goes to hell for Ron, putting his back to unemployed status by the end.

Ron is crippled by laziness and bad luck. He is an adult male in his mid-30’s and has been dependent on his enabling mother, Sonnae, his entire life. Ron is described as naturally lethargic and has no ambition other than having access to his creature comforts and maintaining a healthy weight. Ron is easy going, but socially awkward which allows him to be underestimated by others.

Sonnae has been a working single mother for most of her adult life. She earned her degree while working fulltime at the Roachdon Department of Roach Health and Services where she eventually became the Bureau Director of Administration. Regardless of her natural beauty, Sonnae had a hard time finding love earlier in her life and settled to focus on Ron and her career, until she recently meeting the Roach of her dreams, Elvis. She prides herself on having zero debt, including no mortgage all of which she paid off herself. Sonnae has a sweet demeanor but could carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Elvis was a conscript for a pariah state during a deadly conflict when he was younger. After surviving the war, he earned an engineering degree and worked for his fallen war-torn country on post-war reconstruction projects. Once he was eligible to apply for citizenship, he moved himself and his aging parents to Roachdon where he settled as a project engineer at a local construction consulting firm. Elvis and Sonnae met on a dating website and married soon after. Elvis is the only adult male figure ever in Ron’s life. Regardless of Ron’s lack of ambition, Elvis considers Ron the son he never had and often takes advantage of any opportunity to bond with his stepson, but also regularly takes friendly jabs at Ron’s reoccurring unemployment status. Elvis is friendly and genuine with a dark sense of humor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did DOR start?

DOR is the result of ideas Jery had over several years that eventually became the show’s premise in November 2022.

Who are the people involved with DOR?

Jery Prok and Jery’s Awesome Wife. Check out episode credits for more details.

Why is the show called Dawn of Ron?

The show represents the dawn (or beginning) of Ron’s transition from being a lazy piece of shit to becoming a productive member in his household. 

When do new DOR episodes premiere?

Typically every 3-4 months from the previous episode’s premiere date. Check out the Blog tab at dawnofron.com for new episode dates and other announcements.

Where can I watch Dawn of Ron episodes?

At Newgrounds.com Visitors can also download each episode from this website. 

What is the deal with ETs?

Episode T-shirts (aka ETs) are limited release merchandise commemorating the most recent DOR episode and are discontinued upon the newest episode’s premiere date. Visit the Store tab at dawnofron.com to view availability.